Uniform Sizing, News (Camlachie Athletic Association)

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Jan 10, 2019 | Mike | 723 views
Uniform Sizing
Our Uniform Committee will be bagging uniforms using sizes from last season.  If you think your returning player will need a new size, if you’ve added a player or are a New Family, click on the above uniform Sizing banner and submit the new sizes to our committee.  All players will be able to try on their uniforms @ Uniform Pickup Day and switch sizes if needed.

Cheque Drop/ Pick Up Dates
Saturday April, 27 9-12noon Camlachie United Church
Tuesday, April 30 6-8pm Camlachie United Church 

Post Dated Cheques will be dropped, Cash Calendars and Uniforms will be picked up. 

Questions? [email protected]

Huron Shores Optimist
Thank you for support provided to Camlachie Athletic Association & Camlachie Cougars Baseball!