Parent and Board Rep Info, News (Camlachie Athletic Association)

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Apr 06, 2019 | Mike | 520 views
Parent and Board Rep Info
As per our CAA guidelines, each Team will have a BOARD REP  and a PARENT REP.  (1 per team)  The Board Members for teams will meet with the Coaches, Parents & Players on their first practice/get together at the park and quickly go over a few basic guidelines and answer any questions Parents may have.    At that time, the  League teams will choose a Parent Rep to work  with the Head Coach to ensure that emergency plans are in place (EAP) and  “non coach” issues - fundraising, uniforms, events are all relayed to Parents.  

Unfortunately, with less volunteers for Instructional,  there will not be Parent Reps for this level and the Board Rep will be the main contact for Instructional this season.     This year all communication will be posted through  the Team Website Page, so a Parent Rep must have access to a computer and attend a short how-to meeting at the Clubhouse regarding the website.  With WiFi at the park this summer  all Coaches and Parent Reps can drop into the Clubhouse any night  to ask questions (Kim and/or Todd will be available every game night) and is welcome to use the Clubhouse  computer system to post on their Team Website or book the Batting Cage.      If you are interested in putting your name in for the Parent Rep, please review the Parent Rep Job Description posted under the League Latest news for complete details.     Questions?  email [email protected] 
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