Moving Forward June 18th Deadline, News (Camlachie Athletic Association)

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Jun 16, 2021 | Kim Lyons | 444 views
Moving Forward June 18th Deadline
Monday Night an email went home to all families regarding the start of practices
and info about the season.  Coaches were also emailed to ask to confirm for their team.

If you want to request a REFUND for the season, you MUST RESPOND by Friday, June 18th. IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND by Friday, it will be assumed that you want to play and teams will be organized including your player. 
Full REFUNDS (less Cash Calendars) will not be processed after June 18th.      CAA will be organizing and refunding part of Registration Fees based on games played at the end of the season.   Questions?  [email protected]

Huron Shores Optimist
Thank you for support provided to Camlachie Athletic Association & Camlachie Cougars Baseball!