Aug 01, 2015 | jpoland | 1377 views
Thank you Cougars!!
wanted to also say thank you to all of you for such a great year, I really had
fun this season coaching the girls, so many players showed how much they
improved over the course of the year at the tournament, and I always enjoy
seeing that,
Coach Missy
before the tournament I told the girls there was two things I wanted them to do, #1 was have fun and #2 was try their best to do all the things we practiced, they did not let me down. I watched the skills they learnt come shinning through! I was very happy that Katelyn was able to make it back the next day and be part of all the fun! It was a very long day but I'm sure lots of great memories were made by all the girls. I also wanted to say thank you to our great cheering squad of friends and family they made the day that much better with all their enthusiasm!!!