Important Information, News, Mosquito OBA, 2018 (Camlachie Athletic Association)

This Team is part of the 2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
News Article
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May 15, 2018 | lveenendaal | 585 views
Important Information
Please read .... 

Dear Parents, 

Here is some more information ...
Cash Calendar Stubs:  Parents please return your stubs at any practice or game. They start drawing June 1st.     
FYI the draws will be done and posted every week on the website and the treasurer mails the cheques to the winners.  
Pierogi Orders:  Pierogi Orders are due this week, at Friday’s practice. 
Pick Up day for Pierogies is Monday June 11th 6-8pm at the canteen.  We do not have freezer storage, so you must pick up on this date. 
Proceeds go directly to the new pitching machine for the batting cage. 
Cougar Wear: This week you will receive an email with new Cougar Wear to purchase. The orders and money will be due by May 25th.  
Volunteering:  The last team schedule was just received so the Canteen Schedule will now be drawn up for parents who need to complete their 4 or 8 hours of time.  Kim will contact parents directly. 
Sign Workshop Fundraiser: On our FB page and Website the details are available for this workshop. Sign up online thru Bundles Creative or by calling Bundles direct must be done by May 25th.  The Workshop is on Friday, June 1st at the Camlachie United Church.   We need 25 people to have this fundraiser happen, so please encourage your parents to attend. Proceeds go directly to the new pitching machine for the batting cage.
Up Coming:  

Saturday, July 7th -is our Park Opener.  CAA will be having a Family Breakfast, Activities for the kids - jumping castles, dunk tank, ball games, fire truck and mcuh more.  Details will be forwarded once final plans are in place. 

Early August - Online Auction - soon we will be looking for prizes for our online FB auction.  
If you have anymore question please feel free to email me or text me at 519-464-2252
Lisa Veenendaal 
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