Feb 21, 2019 | Kim Lyons | 884 views
Welcome Registration
Welcome to the 2019 Season Cougars! All teams have now been confirmed and are posted to your team page on our website.
Please look at Rest of Article Page for more information on Game and Practice schedules
Below are the dates for Home Games and Practices, but THESE DAYS COULD CHANGE after League Meetings are completed in Late April. Our Coaches take our Diamond Schedule to the meetings and sometimes if too many centres need the same day for their home games, we need to shift our diamond times so everything works to make up the schedules. Once game schedules are available (usually the first two weeks of May) Coaches will be forwarding information to parents and all your games will be listed on the website.
Game cancellations due to rain are listed on the FB page and the Website as soon as cancellations are decided, so always check before heading to the field on a rainy day.
ROOKIE BLK Game Night Diamond #2 Fridays 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Practice Night May & June Lakeshore Saturday 11am – 1pm
July & August Lakeshore Tuesday 6pm -8