Jul 07, 2023 | Cory Sommise | 121 views
Cougars win big in most complete game of the season
The Cougars won their 8th straight game to start the season and none have looked more impressive than this one. Owen (Big O) got the game off to a great start with a snag on a line drive for the 1st out of the game. The rest of the team followed his lead only giving up 1 run for the rest of the game. DKMB had some hard hits but the boys were there. whether they made the play or not, the effort all game was impressive. Anthony made a great play early in the game just by never giving up on an out at 3rd base, making sure he got it in his glove and touched the bag for the out.
The players all got the chance after the game to acknowledge another play by a teamate they thought was good. And everyone hit the ball hard tonight, particularly
Braxton and Caleb who hit the ball hard and scored every time
they got on base. And Griffen with a Triple!! Great Game everyone!!! I think the boys were excited to see Wesley there and they wanted to put on a good show for him! It'll
be nice to welcome him back next week.